Bonus Show: Be Our Producer!
/Audio: approx 3 hrs/week
Audio Editing for Show (See walkthrough)
Cleaning up the audio files
Publishing two version (radio & podcast on soundcloud)
Writing post to go with show
Audio editing of pre-records/recording pre-records
Interviews/Emails: Approximately 1 hr/week
Responding to interview requests/booking interviews
Responding to general inquiries about the show
Programming the Show: 2 hrs/week
- Proactively reaching out to other enviro podcasts/interesting folks
- Soliciting feedback (via social media, website, email, etc)
Plan/program one 20 min segment per week
Organize/maintain group of producers who would program 20 minute segments
This could include just providing news articles & thoughts, leading a discussion, record their own segment, etc
Social Media/Promotion of Show: approx 2 hrs/week
Hootsuite promotion of the show (one post per day promoting show, one post per day promoting Patreon)
Pulling quote/lines for show, pull out pieces and promote those pieces (One per week-ish)
Promote in other ways