Reach Out And Touch Someone <3 (542)
/Stefan starts the show with an odd seeming (at first) comparison to valentines day and 'the Grammy's' and the pipeline discussion in Canada. No really...
Barbara Erochina an emotional wellness, healthy self-worth councillor joins us again to talk about healing and grief as we round out the first few years, woops I mean month of the Trump presidency. Emotions are high, and we are feeling a bit strung out and think you probably are feeling similar. Barbara helps us through this and hope you can think about this too. Take care of yourself.
In the final section, Daryn runs through a number of pipeline and regulatory news items including several areas where regulations seem to simply be being ignored including at the highly controversial 'Site C' dam in BC. Shockingly, Daryn mostly agree's with a pipeline proposal from CEPA (Canadian Energy Pipeline Association) with a qualifier of course. Stefan wraps us up with a rare example of a regulator actually doing their job (sort of).
- Trump, Trudeau avoid climate change talk, use 'coded' language on environment
- Trump promises Canada: No wall for you, only more 'bridges,' extra trade
- Joint Statement from President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
- Alberta Regulator Failing to Accurately Record Oil Spills: New Study
- BC Hydro Let Off Hook for $400,000 Site C Dam Fine … Again
- Pipeline companies want new 'national interest' test
Bonus Show:
Stefan, Barbara and Daryn do one more 'card' for Trump himself and discuss. It's easier (also completely understandable and not necessarily wrong) to just yell at him, but perhaps if we understood him better we would be better at dealing with him. With no sarcasm at all we discuss the child behind the man in an effort to be more effective opposition to his policies.
This Weeks Music:
The Belle Game 'River' & Cold Specks 'Elephant Head'
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