Physics Doesn't Negotiate (530)

Physics Doesn't Negotiate (530)

Stefan takes point this week discussing the social media fiasco that follow a very poorly thought out tweet by Environment Canada this week in correlation with the holds National Youth Summit on Climate Change hosted by Minister McKenna.

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Maximizing Fragility (526)

Maximizing Fragility (526)

The hosts discuss the ongoing protests at the Dakota Access Pipeline which resulted in over 100 more arrests of protestors this week bringing the total to over 260 since the action began. Stefan hosts this weeks 'planning to win' segment, and Daryn covers the ongoing Canadian protests over pipelines and what this means for Trudeau.

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Think you know the price of oil? Think Again. (518)

Think you know the price of oil? Think Again. (518)

Stefan leads us in a game of 'Pope or' with new statements by the Pope on the social ills of greed and the moral obligation to care for the environment. Stefan also provides a brief update on the Dakota Pipeline story and the indigenous people from all over the country coming to join the resistance to the 'Keystone XL 2.0'.

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