The State Of Journalism (525)

The State Of Journalism (525)

Our feature this week is a conversation with Canadian journalist Mike De Souza, who is currently working for the National Observer after spending years in the establishment media. Mike has recently published replies to attacks on his and N.O.'s credibility, and we discuss these as examples of the atmosphere surrounding independent journalism in Canada.

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Running On Empty (524)

Running On Empty (524)

Our interview this week is with the award winning director Mike Downie - on the program this week to talk about his new CBC The Nature of Things documentary 'Running On Empty' which covers the ongoing fallout from the 5 year drought that devastating California.

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Mittens of Disapproval Are On (522)

Mittens of Disapproval Are On (522)

Rob Shirkey from Our Horizon joins Daryn to discuss the news that Trudeau has flashed the green light for a massive liquid natural gas pipeline through British Columbia. The real question is, how do we square this approval with the election promises of Trudeau himself with regards to climate and First Nations sovereignty.

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Lord of the Resources [520]

Lord of the Resources [520]

Barbora Grochalova who is an Environmental Lawyer in Ontario joins us to talk about the joining of Ontario to the Western Climate Initiative that already includes California and Quebec. This climate credit trading will use a market approach to hopefully limit emissions and work towards climate neutrality.

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Think you know the price of oil? Think Again. (518)

Think you know the price of oil? Think Again. (518)

Stefan leads us in a game of 'Pope or' with new statements by the Pope on the social ills of greed and the moral obligation to care for the environment. Stefan also provides a brief update on the Dakota Pipeline story and the indigenous people from all over the country coming to join the resistance to the 'Keystone XL 2.0'.

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Government Captured: Selling YOU Out (517)

Government Captured: Selling YOU Out (517)

We begin the show with an update on the Nestle water controversy, which could see Ontario sell it's water to the private corp for a pathetic $3.71 per MILLION litres. Daryn hosts a review of the criticism surrounding BC's new 'Carbon Plan'.

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Political Hot Potato (516)

Political Hot Potato (516)

Many people would argue that Ms. May has been more than just the leader of the Greens but rather their sole political product since she took over. Despite the undeniably positive effect of her advocacy in parliament, has she become a liability to the Green Party itself?

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Feelings VS Facts (515)

Feelings VS Facts (515)

We start close to home this week with a conversation about energy efficiency standards and the reason we don't have nice things. We then spend a min talking about the pathetic attempts by oil company funded astroturf groups to garner support by trying to sell it with sex to straight males.

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To Hell with Tolerance (513)

To Hell with Tolerance (513)

The Trudeau government is under fire again this week over the perceived bias of appointing someone with close ties to Kinder Morgan to a board reviewing Kinder Morgan proposals. Our Canadian pipeline coverage continues with another story about whistleblower reports of edited reports by Husky Energy (and likely others) hiding their complacency in protecting the public from spills.

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Robinhood and the United Nations (512)

The #ExxonKnew story continues to develop as executives do everything they can to prevent accountability for huge corporations by spending hundreds of millions of dollars to put the entire world in mortal danger with lies to protect their business model. It is now a matter of public record that Exxon has known and admitted to knowing that climate change was a real threat for 30 years… and spent the next 30 years lying to the public through funding fake science and supporting opportunistic political hacks. The result? Well they learned their lesson, this sort of thing works. They are now spending more money to intimidate, delay and attempt to discredit those attempting to seek accountability.

The CBC gets into our crosshairs again this week with a discussion on the language used to describe anti-science hacks who keep being called ‘contrarians’ by the CBC much less science denialists and how that affects public discourse in Canada, and some final thoughts from hideous theatre macabre of the Republican National Convention.

Green Majority regular contributor and finance expert Tim Nash the sustainable economist joins us this week for a segment on the concept of a global “Robinhood Tax” and how this idea could address the vast wealth inequality all over the world, climate change and basically all the other big-ticket global problems all in one go. But you know, start small right? This is not a new idea, nor is it crazy… in fact it’s already been proposed on a smaller scale in some countries and policies similar to this are already in place.

Meet Tim Nash

In the final main-show section we discuss briefly the technology/carbon connection with Googles data-centres… both how big an impact they have and how they are trying to reign this in with artificial intelligence (AI) software. As well, the ‘scary climate story of the week’ involves a shockingly rapid loss of sea ice and how we’re totally not nearly freaked out enough about sea level rise.

Bonus Show!

Deirdre and Daryn talk about ferrets and gene editing (part 2 of a discussion from last week) and Pokemon Go (yes really) and it’s very real relevance to modern environmental impacts. If you think this is silly or not relevant, sorry! Your wrongListen in on the podcast to find out why!

This weeks music:

Last Hologram “Culture Class” & “Dreamchaser”

What do you think?

Let us know what you think of what we discussed in the show! Click here to find us on social media, leave us a phone message to play on air or send us an email!

Pentagon Is Freaking Out – Aren’t You? (511)

We start the show this week with some Canadian news. Well, it’s actually only news to some people who haven’t been paying attention.

Also, some are upset that the Green Party is OK with pipelines as long as the oil is refined in Canada… This is actually not a new position, but it’s getting some new attention and the hosts discuss.

After the break, we discuss some international news mainly US elections and politics including the lip-fluttering nonsense in the Republican draft platform.

The top story this week depends on your perspective to some degree, but the one I urge you to read most is the title article about the Pentagon’s research and utilization of this research to anticipate and control social unrest. There are two main points to glean here, firstly WHY they are suddenly so concerned with this, and secondly HOW they are going about using this information.

ALSO! In the bonus show we discuss:

This weeks music:

Selena Gomez “Kill Em With Kindness” & Auto Manic “Lose Control”

What do you think?

Let us know what you think of what we discussed in the show! Click here to find us on social media, leave us a phone message to play on air or send us an email!

Hope Isn’t A Strategy (510)

We attempt this week to start with the worst news and get better throughout to try to leave you with some hope. But as this weeks title tells you, hope isn’t a strategy (that will make sense later). Lot’s of news this week including breaking news about an entire lake disappearing due to climate change in Bolivia, a rush of lobbying by mining companies on the Canadian Gov, and an expose on how to evade lobbying laws in Canada. Insects are dying, and yes that’s bad… but at least we got a divestment win! All the news we found important this week listed below.

This weeks news:

This weeks music:

‘1001 Nights (Part B)’ – Versa & ‘Confessions Part 2’ Bad Bad Not Good

What do you think?

Let us know what you think of what we discussed in the show! Click here to find us on social media, leave us a phone message to play on air or send us an email!